Tiger / Hval 9
18.3.2010 | 13:04
Nöfn/Name (TIGER) Hvalur 9 (TŻR in the Cod war)
Tegund: Hvalveišiskip/whaling catcher IMO no: 5361148
Fįni: NOR/ĶSL Reg.höfn: Sandefjord/Reykjavķk
Smķšaš af: Langesunds Mek.Verksted, Langesund Bygg nr.:
Framleišsluįr: 1952/11
Fyrsti eigandi: Hlutafélagiš Örnin (A/S Thor Dahl), Sandefjord
(catching equipm.) 1 x Kongsberg
Tonn: 631 brt, 210 nrt
Mįlstęršir: Lpp.: 153,7', B: 29,7', D: 16,1'
Kallmerki: LANF
Fremdrift: 1 stk gufuvél, Compound (FMV C4),
dim.: 14,6"-34,3"-34,3"-14,6", slagl.: 32,5", 293 NHK.
Framleišandi var Bremer Vulcan, Bremen/Vegesack.
Hraši: um žaš bil.16,0 sjómķlur
Katlar: 2 stk vatnsrörakatlar meš yfirhitun, olķufżringu,
gufužrżsting fyrir/eftir yfirhitun.: 250/220 PSI. Heteflate 4.9902 ft.
Framleišandi af Foster Wheeler Corp., Dansville, NY, USA
Įhafnafjöldi (1958/59) 18-19 menn.
(1989/2009) 15 menn.
(2010) 13-14 menn.
Saga skips: 1952 Byggšur sem hvalskipiš TIGER af Langesunds Mek.Verksted,
Langesund fyrir hlutafélagiš Örninn (Ųrnen (A/S Thor Dahl)), Sandefjord.
1965 Selt 30/11-65 til Hvalur H/F, Hafnarfjordur, Ķsland og notašur sem hvalveišiskip.
Nafni skips breytt ķ HVALUR 9.
1989 Hvalveišum hętt.
2006 Hvalvertķš byrjaš aftur og veiddir 7 langreyšir (finnhvalir).
2009 Hvalvertķš byrjar į fullum krafti.
History in english: 1952 Built as whaling catcher TIGER by Langesunds Mek.Verksted,
Langesund for Aktieselskabet Ųrnen (A/S Thor Dahl), Sandefjord.
1965 Sold 30/11-65 to Hvalur H/F, Hafnarfjordur, Island and continued as whaling catcher. Renamed HVALUR 9.
Hvalur 9 RE399 is an Icelandic Whaler built in 1952 in Norway. It has been a part of the whaling fleet operated and owned by the company Hvalur h/f since 1966. In 1973 she was requisitioned by the Icelandic Coast Guard, repainted, renamed Tżr and armed with a 57 mm gun and subsequently used to cut the fishing gear from foreign fishing vessels fishing illegally (according to Icelandic law) in a newly claimed fishery zone during the Second Cod War. During her service in the Coast Guard she was usually nicknamed Hval-Tżr to differentiate from previously commissioned patrol vessels of the same name.
1986 After whaling at Iceland for several years activist group Sea Shepard
tryed to sink Hval 9 on 9th. November together with other vessel Hvalur 6, 7 and 8 at Reykjavik harbor after sabotage action led by the terrorist John Watson. 1989 Operation status: laid up. Between 1987 and 2006, while commercial whaling ceased in Iceland, the ship remained unused at pier but the recommencement of whaling in Iceland brought it back into action
1989 Operation status: laid up.
2010 Acc DnV the vessel is still alive and ready for action. Same name and owner.
Uppfęrt 25.03.10 SES
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